Wednesday, February 26, 2014

**FuN dAyS**

Raegan here!!

We have had SO MUCH FUN the past few weekends!!

First, we went to Wonderscope (or if you ask Jax, "playscope") and got to have a TON of fun with all of their toys and different rooms! My favorite was the room where you could be a doctor or a vet. Jax's favorite room was full of Legos and it looked like an ocean! We both really liked the water room!

After that, we went to eat at Fritz's, where they brought our food on a train! Mommy said we had to share a meal next time because Jax and I didn't eat very much.

Last weekend, we went to LOL (Laugh Out Loud) (or according to Jax... "EIEIO") BOTH DAYS! {Unpaid plug from Mommy - best $16 ever spent!} Mommy climbed in the giant "playground" with us and then we all jumped on a huge jump pillow. Jax fell down A LOT. They also had an art room where we got to wear aprons like real artists and paint on stuff!

I also got new Build-A-Bear clothes for my teddy bear! Mommy says I'm spoiled. I think "well loved" is a better term! :)

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

New Things!

Wow, so much has happened since July! Here's a quick update:

Raegan: I'm back in ballet AND tumbling! I'm so excited and I am already thinking about my dance recital. I was going to go to preschool but since I didn't need preschool just for speech, I'm waiting on that... mommy still gave me my awesome My Little Pony backpack, which I love to stuff full of things and carry around, even though it is almost as big as me! I am going to a speech class one day a week. I'm working on saying words that start with "s"... like "spicy" and "snowman". I make a "ssss" sound like a snake and I'm starting to get good at it! Ms. Kim lets me play games between working on my words, and today I got to flip frogs into a bucket. It was fun!

Jax: Mommy says I never stop talking! I'm learning all kinds of new words (current favorites: almost and maybe) and putting together sentences (like, "Go faster, mommy!" "Let me get on your back, mommy!" "Get me chocolate milk, mommy!") Mommy is also really, really trying to convince me to get rid of my bibi (that's pacifier to those who aren't up with the terms!) and use the potty (to which I say "noooo" with a disgusted look on my face). I think I like being little. Getting carried around and stuff is pretty great. BUT - I also like being big enough to beat up on my sister and cousins! I especially like chasing them with my toy lawn mower at Gigi's house and trying to run over them. :) This video shows you how loud they scream when I chase them! And how excited I get about the lawn mower!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Crazy Little Thing Called Love!

Wow, this is really late, but I swear mommy is such a computer hog! So I was in a "dance 'cital" in June and did SO AMAZING, if I do say so myself. I took tumbling and ballet and we did a routine for both classes during the recital. All of my grandmas and grandpas came to watch me, and Aunt Shirley and Yaya and Ashley and Darla and Tyce and Kris, too! Kaki, my babysitter, also came to watch. My BFF Chloe was in tumbling with me and goes to daycare with Kaki too. There's not really much else to say about it... except every time we drive by the Memorial Building I remind Mommy that's my 'cital building and I can't wait to go back to dance with Miss Brenda! Here are some pictures Mommy (and some other dance mommies!) took from that day!

With my very bestest friends, Anna and Chloe!

That's Amore! 

Stupid Cupid - tumbling routine!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

I'm TWO!

I'm two! (Plus a few days already!) Mommy says I've grown SO MUCH since I turned one. I thought you all might like to know what I've learned to do in the past year.

I can walk. And run. And climb. And jump (off everything I climb on). I fall down a lot and get "owies" but that does not slow me down!

I got tubes put in my ears a few months ago and WOW. I can hear so many noises now! I didn't even know I couldn't hear them before but after the doctor put those tubes in, I hear things I've never heard! I always like to ask Mommy "Noise??" I also sometimes think every noise I hear is a lawnmower or an airplane. I have to wear earplugs in the bathtub now and I'm not liking that too much. Mommy says I'm getting better at leaving them in.

Mommy says the tubes have also made it so I can talk a lot more. She was worried that I was never going to say anything besides "mommy" and "Bubba" but now I say so many words. Nana Lori says I learn new words every day! I can also say some little sentences now, like "more milk, Mommy!"

Things I love: blueberries. Swinging. Riding in Big Wheels Jeeps. Having my window rolled down in the car. My bibi and blanket and bee at bedtime. Giving knuckles. Frosting. Tractors and trucks. Pretending to be a puppy. Milk. Gum (even though I'm not very good at chewing it). Being LOUD. Baths.
Things I do NOT love: staying inside. Having to yell for Mommy to get me up (she should come in right away!). Sitting still. Not getting to drive Big Wheels Jeeps. When Raegan steals my stuff. When I say something and big people don't understand.

Here's a pic of me at my birthday party today. Told you I love frosting!!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

May is My Birthday Month!

And I think I should celebrate all month. :) I think mommy agrees, because today she took me to Chuck E Cheese (so what if I was only tagging along because Raegan filled up her sticker chart) and we went and got my 2 year birthday pics taken today! Mommy said I can't show you all of them until my real birthday but I wanted to sneak one in here...

I think I look pretty handsome in this picture. I made sure it was really hard for the nice lady to get a good picture of me - I was running around, doing my big cheesy smile, flopping on the floor, and just basically giving her a bad time, but mommy says I'm really cute and get away with a lot of stuff.

Can't wait to keep celebrating my birthday and show off the rest of my super handsome pics...

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Check Us Out!

Wow, Mommy really stinks at helping us update this thing. The last time we even got to post something was forever ago!

Here's a quick recap of the last million months...

We had Christmas...

Lots of Christmas! These are our cousins Madi and Keara

Christmas at Mimi and Papa Fred's with Margeaux, Madi, and Keara
Josie Mae was born!

We rooted on the Hawks during March Madness

It finally got warm so we could go to the park!

Raegan was brave and climbed up by herself!
Here are some other fun things for us to tell you... I (Raegan) really, really, really want to go to school. Like really bad. Mommy says I get to go to preschool when summer is over! I have a dance and gymnastics recital coming up and I can't wait to dance on the big stage! Mommy has to dance too, but I think that's silly! I am starting to go to sleep in my own bed all by myself... I like when Mommy lays down with me, but she says I have to be a big girl so I can fill up my sticker chart and get a prize! I LOVE PRIZES!! I already get to go to "Chuck E Cheeses" this weekend because I filled up my very first sticker chart for staying in my bed at night and not telling Mommy no when I have to get dressed in the morning. (I totally solved that problem - I will only wear a dress to bed at night then just wear it the next day! I'm pretty smart like that.)
Jax got some tubes put in his ears and he started talking a lot more. He can say a lot of words and says "Go Mommy!" when we're in the car. He said a whole sentence the other day too - "more milk Mommy!" Jax likes to run but he falls down a lot and he is NOT as fast as me. (I win every race!) 

Hopefully Mommy will let us tell you things more often now. Six months is a long time! 

Monday, October 29, 2012

Catching Up!

Mom has been hogging the computer lately, so WE haven't gotten a chance to update everyone lately!

Yep, this is the best mom can do at getting a picture of us together. It's a conspiracy we have against her!! She keeps trying though... gotta love that determination! We really gave her a headache when she was trying to get a picture of us together in our Halloween costumes... she said something about not sending out any cute Halloween cards this year, so sorry about that!

PS - Jax says he isn't going to be a fireman. And he hates mice. Or maybe he was scared of my driving.  Who knows!! :)

We'll be updating soon after Halloween is over... we're still deciding if we're gonna let mommy take a good picture of us or not. She says we need to practice because this weekend we are going to see our cousins JT and Levi and their mommy (our mommy's cousin) is going to take pictures of us! Mommy bought me a pretty new dress to match Jax's shirt and vest. She's really excited and so am I - my dress has "beautiful sprinkles" on it!
